The aim, of course, is to hit the jackpot, or at least land on a sizeable amount during the bonus round. This may be a simple strategy, but this way you spend more time on a machine without too much worry about running out of money, long before you’re ready to quit. Hand inserting coins and cashing out after every win slows down your rate of play on any wheel of fortune type slots game. Also, when you win, do not leave credits in the machine, even if the payout is only two coins, do not leave them in the machine.
Whenever possible, do not insert paper money and then play from the credit meter. Play Maximum CoinsĪlways play maximum coins, but hand insert the coins. That means you should have $50 for quarter machines, $100 for half-dollar slots, and $200 for dollar play. On a slot machine in Las Vegas or anywhere else, start with 200 coins in your chosen denomination. In your quest for winning big at the wheel of fortune slots game try this method of play: Winning at the WHEEL OF FORTUNE Slots Game